About Me

My photo
Prosser, Washington, United States
artist, writer, un-organizer, cat snuggler, hug smuggler, red lipstick wearing giddy sassbag of a card peddling nerdface.

Monday, October 5, 2009

We Are Secret Agents

We are, aren't we?
Or did I dream it all?
I put the final touches on these two lovable monstrosities (each 36x48) this morning.
First, there is an original piece of artwork called "We Are Secret Agents"....

and the second, is called, "For Safe Keeping"

I won't be posting these on Etsy, just by way of their size, but will be showing
them at either Hopfengarten or Sixth Street Art Gallery in Prosser.

As I finished these projects, I was inspired by another favorite classic film, Charade,
starring Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant. When I lived in Baltimore, there was a "Little Italy" part of the city where people gathered in the street to drink wine and watch various classic films as projected onto the side of a brick building. Don't you think that is marvelous? What a great opportunity to put on a red beret, some dark sunglasses and a pair of gloves....and pretend you are a secret agent hiding in the unsuspecting movie-goer crowd.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Emotional Weather Report

A glance through the peephole at works in progress in the little studio out on the edge of the farm. On the tiny television plays "The Great Race" with Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis. The heater keeps it nice and toasty in there as the leaves fall and the cold whispers from under the crack in the door.

"...things are tough all over
when the thunder storms start
increasing over the southeast
and south central portions
of my apartment, I get upset
and a line of thunderstorms was
developing in the early morning
ahead of a slow moving coldfront
cold blooded
with tornado watches issued shortly
before noon Sunday, for the areas
including the western region
of my mental health
and the northern portions of my
ability to deal rationally with my
disconcerted precarious emotional
situation, it's cold out there
colder than a ticket taker's smile
at the Ivar's Theater on a Saturday night..."

-- "Emotional Weather Report"
by Tom Waits

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Shut up and paint

have to run but wanted to end a morning of
painting with a clip from one of my favorite artists...
this art in motion stuff takes my breath away.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Time Travel: Part Deux

On July 24th, I spent the evening with the infamous Gene Soto and Katie Gonzales at their cooking school/restaurant--Someone's in the Kitchen on Rose Street in Walla Walla--for my first "real" art opening. I tried to be a lady in my special Dismantled Fashions dress from http://www.dismantledfashions.etsy.com/ but might have stumbled a few times in my heels...(graceful as always after a glass of wine and a nervous belly).

When my dad and I came down a few days prior to hang paintings, we learned that one wall was cement and no nail would be going through it...so we had to learn this amazing velcro trick that worked about as well as chewed bubblegum at first, but we made amends through auspicious trial and error.



I was so pleased with the turn out. It was a small crowd, but everyone there was so supportive of me and my work and I completely lost myself in the pleasure of getting to know everyone. Hearing new thoughts about my artwork and having the opportunity to talk about the process for each one, helped me to love the work all over again. Needless to say, I had a fire in my heart by the end of the evening and couldn't wait to get back to my studio to paint.
I can't thank Katie and Gene enough for the opportunity to show at their high end, hip venue and love all of the new favorite places I've learned about on my subsequent trips to WW. My art will be up through the end of September and I plan to support all of their featured artists along the way....xoxox!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Time Travel

It's time to take the Roz Inga time machine back
to July 19th....the weekend of the Prosser Wine and Art Gala. My hero, Consuelo Soto Murphey sat painting and making good use of herself while I wandered around aimlessly, looking
for my next glass of beer. Other artists of note were Liz Henry from http://www.swirlstudio.etsy.com and Rick Gallegos (see previous post for his genius).

Luckily, my two favorite Prosserites were in attendance: seen here in the photo are
Jake and Rosemary. The best set of locals I've ever met, they are devoted to this town and its pleasures and I adore them for it.

Liz Henry of Swirl Studio and I had a magician turn my dollar bill into something crazy. Also in the photo is the Queen of Prosser, Carol of Sixth Street Gallery.

The nameless magician, Sean Murphy and lil old me....

Overall, I loved this night and four hours felt like one (thanks especially to Consuelo's husband, Sean, who kept me company and never let me be without a full glass). Looking forward to
next year ;)

Monday, August 24, 2009

My new favorite thing


Here is the painting that my good friend
and local artist Rick Gallegos did for me last
week. Yikes! Ralph...you are just so life-like
and I can't tell if you are thinking deep
thoughts or if you are ready to grab my shirt collar
and pull me close.....
This is the best, most cherished piece of
orginal art to date and I'm sure it
won't be the only piece of his
that I will acquire over the
years. Rick's talent is way above
and beyond the "norm" and he deserves much
more exposer and credit than he gets.

Albeit our styles of painting are much different,
Rick's work always inspires me to be better at what
I do and I LOVE that. There is a lot of lackluster
art out on the streets these days and when I first
held this hot little piece in my hands, it was like a
jolt to the heart with a defriblillator.

Some of Rick's earlier work:
(ya, he's the spray paint king)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Death by Cubicle

I can't think of a better piece of art to push off into art blogging

than the post-mortem photo of my dearly departed

Bostonian friend Lindsey (of the Patchwork Quilt dwelling clan).

It is Friday and, as you can see, it was Death by Cubicle.