About Me

My photo
Prosser, Washington, United States
artist, writer, un-organizer, cat snuggler, hug smuggler, red lipstick wearing giddy sassbag of a card peddling nerdface.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

beep. beep. beep.

That's right, kids: That's the sound of the Gravy Train backing up to my open mouth.
(If, that is, the said Gravy Train were full of Excitement and Pleasure.)

NEW Magnets from the crew at Minds Eye Cards!
Please click on the photos for a link to their shop.

Today is Thursday. This day for me means sitting around in my pajamas, cutting cards, copying photos, and organizing my world of complete chaos and disarray. Okay, I'll be honest,
it could take a couple Thursdays (perhaps a year of Thursdays?) to get that last part taken care of.

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