I have always been a devoted student of Emotions, Human Connections, and Color. This lifelong ear-to-heart and heart-on-sleeve existence inevitably built the foundation for the painter I am today. I am most always inspired by things that people say, extreme weather, nature, my inner voice, and the songs that keep me awake at night. Rather than turn my eyes outward for inspiration, I turn them inward, to whatever is thriving there from all of the music, books, people and travels that I absorb on a daily basis. Classically untrained, I have been showing my work since 2008. In my art, I strive to emulate the creative bliss of a child working freely from the subconscious mind; a mind not bogged down by a lifetime of literal meaning. My favorite artists include Hundertwasser, Chuck Palahniuk, Theodor Suess Geisel, Jim Henson, Zig Smigaj, and Gustav Klimt.
2008 Airfield Winery, Prosser, Washington
2008-2009 Olsen Estates Winery, Prosser, Washington
2008-Present Hopfengarten Gallery, Prosser, Washington
2009-Present 6th Street Art Gallery, Prosser, Washington
2009-Present Milbrant Winery, Prosser, Washington
2009-Present Someone's in the Kitchen, Walla Walla, Washington
2010 Matter! Olympia, Washington
2010 Canyon's Edge Winery, Kennewick, Washington
2010 Viceroy Gallery, Tacoma, Washington
2011 Whistran Brewery, Prosser, Washington
2011 Green Spoon, Walla Walla, Washington